Librarian's Tips

Not sure where & how to start?

Here are some small steps we recommend for a start. See also supplies to help you work during Covid-19

Tips to improve your library books management?

Use tinted colour label to
protect label and colour code

Troubled by books being place at wrong location? Colour code can solve this problem

18 colour to choose from. Protected and colour code your spine labels in one simple step!

Problem to read spine label?
or label drop out?

Troubled by readability of call label? Having problem to scan your bar code labels?

One easy way to solve this problem is using label protector to protected labels from scuffs, moisture and chemical

Help patron find the books they want
use subject classification labels

Many school libraries find Genrefication their collection help students to find their favorite books faster and easier.

Jointing the trend to ditching Dewey system may be the way to go

How to protect and prolong books life?

Are you troubled by brittle book cover and you think protecting books is a wast of time?

Likely you are using an acidic base PVC book cover which brittle easily. It is cheap but your effort & time wasted if you uses PVC rolls .

Use acid free Poly cover instead, it can last for many years of circulation and it is so easy to apply, watch the video demo online

How to convert softcover book into Hardcover and save cost?

Everyone know you can buy more books with smaller budget if you go for soft cover instead of hard cover version.

Smart librarians go one step further to convert soft cover books into hard cover and extend its circulation life by 5 time more!

That is why librarians choose Easy Book Cover. It was voted one of the best book cover.

Bar Code Labels Imprint

Running out of Bar Code Labels soon?

Call Promatech for a swift bar code label imprint services.

We print 10, 14 digit bar code with MOE approve format. Quality PP material is scratch proof and tear resistance

Uses our quality bar code labels like what many other schools libraries did.

If you are looking for books care and books processing supplies package

Looking for a
quality Books processing package?

You want to protect your new books before send out for circulation?

This acid free books cover package come in 3 different size to protect up to 150 books at small price, include trimmer and date due slip

For both softcover and hard-cover books

Every library need this
Basic Book care Package

We carefully pack this library first aid kit for all library.

Included different kind of books repair tape to target almost all books repair need

NEW Package

Why you should try out
Polyester Book Cover?

If you are still using PVC rolls to protect your new books, think again...

Try out this acid free archival safe durable Polyester rolls to see the different, 2 popular size 12"H and 14"H with book jacket tape at budget trial price.

How EM Security Strips protect books
from UN-authorize remove?

Your security strips is running low in supplies?

Safeguard your valuable resources using our 3M tattle tape security strips or other EM, Radio Frequency (RF) security tag

An easy way to protect
hard cover book's dusk Jacket

Hard cover books normally come with an informative dusk cover,to discard or leave it unprotected is a hard decision for many librarians

Book Jacket rolls is so easy to use and it protect dusk cover. Now you can up keep your books to NLB standard! Watch the demo video or contact us for detail.

Quality Bar Code Scanner
a great tool for circulation desk

Your bar code scanner is giving you problem?

Looks no further, contact Promatech for a quality scanner and we provide optional on site installation service to ensure it work with your circulation software (for local schools customers only)

Good display concept & promotion gifts can help you increase the Loan rate

Is your patron having difficulty
finding what they want?

Seeing patron leaving your library with empty hand? it may be the patron have problem finding the books he want!

Let's start improve your library book shelf signage system to guide patrons to your materials

A small budget to
improve your books display

Do not have big budget to buy display furniture? Dont give up....

This end of range acrylic display bin convert your book shelves into an eye catching new arrival focus point!

A creative display ideal love by many libraries

Tips: Easel make your New arrivals books
stand out on display

Highlight your new arrivals will never be so easy

Select the easel from different design and size to meet the most demanding display need from our wide range of easel, raiser.

Helping Patrons Find the
New & Exciting Materials

Shelf marker can help you to guide the patrons to your materials. Clear shelf identification helps people find the materials they want.

Promote your reading program
small gifts to cheer your patron

Ready to use, economical and library theme small door gifts help you to kick off your reading program, check out what we offer

Creating a outstanding new arrivals display wall

Convert a plain wall into library focus point can be exciting project.

Display your new arrivals or theme reading books can be easy on slatwall, different design media holder hold books, magazine, notice or posters...etc on slatwall

Looking to improve or recreate a new cozy corner for your library?

Create a reading corner with
small budget

We have design some attractive furniture package to help you refresh, re-create or revamp your library with small budget

You can also discuss with us for custom design

Problem display and store your
odd size media?

Librarians often find it difficult to keep for odd size materials such as soft toys, picture books, software, 3D books, video game...etc

Hang bags system not only keep odd size materials organized, it is durable and safe for circulation

Ideals to set up an attractive
cozy reading corner

Create a cozy reading corner does not means to be an expensive project

Promatech kick start library furniture package include many design concept, provide function-ability, it is also affordable

Recommendation for Covid-19 Library Reopening Supplies

Safe Distancing and fright Covid-19

We recommend some library supplies to help you fright against covid-19

Stay Safe

Need to quarantine your books?

quarantine returned materials before they are placed back into circulation to help prevent the spread of germs

Quarantine return book using trolley

Create a new corner for books return and quarantine it before reshelving

Sign Holder Putting Up
Covid-19 Information

Sign to update your new opening hours or new rules during Covid-19 is important, check out our glass mounting sign holder or counter top acrylic sign holder

Economical Book Bags

Avoid unnecessary contact is one way to prevent spread of germs during covid-19 , hand out books using this economical book bags help in quarantine

To maintain social distancing

Keeping your patrons in control and safe social distancing