Your solution to odd size media display and hard to display materials such as storytelling puppets, toys, odd size books, media, picture books with CD DVD, software program, chart, maps, puzzles and many more in clean and neat way.
Hang Bags Steel Rack
Manaco Big Book Hang Bag Rack
Floor rack can hold appx 20 to 90 bags. 36"H floor standing
Librarian's Choices
Manaco Table Top Hang Bags Rack
Table top rack can hold up to appx 50 bags, 25Lbs. Two size 13"H & 17"H
Rotating Steel Rack
1~3 tiers rack hold up to appx 144 bags. easy to browse.
Mobile Steel Hanging Bag Rack
Mobile 3 tiers rack hold up to appx 300 bags
Librarian's Choices
Hang Bags Wooden Rack
Mobile Slatwall 3 Tiers Hang Bag Rack
Hold up to 500 bags. High capacity with movable feature
Librarian's Choices
Wood Hanging Bag Rack
Hold 100 to 180 bags. Averrable in 2 or 3 tiers design appx 38"H to 47"H each
Hang Book Display Shelve
Custom laminate wood construction to match your library ID concept
Deluxe Hang Bags Supplies
Hang Bags
Hang Bags in different size keep
books, DVD, video game, chart
in organize. Circulation safe