Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable) label in 500/roll. Size 1"Hx3/4"W. Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD. Help in shelf management .Help patron to find the book
Genre Subject Labels group A to C
PD128-0268 --- Adventure,
PD128-0386 --- Animals (Crocodile--EOL)
--- Animals
--- Christian
PD121-9598 --- Christian Fiction, (EOL)
--- Classics
PD128-0271 --- Biography, (Male)
PD128-0007 --- Biography, (Female)
--- Book Club
--- Counting
--- Civil Right
--- Battle of the books
--- Anthology
--- Civil War
--- Celebrities
--- Biography
--- Cozy Mystery
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead Time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Librarian's Tips:
1.) We provide wider selection of subject classification labels to help people find their favorite genres.
2.) Genrefication in school library has become popular to replace Dewey system
Genre Subject Labels group A to C- New Design
PD137-8739 --- Action
--- Animals
--- Animal Story
PD137-8742 --- Animal Fantasy
--- Biography
PD200-0456 --- Biography, (Blue)
PD205-1222 --- Bilingual
--- Comics
--- Classic
--- Classic (book)
--- Christmas
--- Dystopian
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead Time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Librarian's Tips:
1.) We provide wider selection of subject classification labels to help people find their favorite genres.
2.) Genrefication in school library has become popular to replace Dewey system
Genre Subject Label Group C to F
PD128-0015 --- crime (EOL)
PD128-0017 --- Drama
PD128-0279 --- Dinosaur
PD128-0282---Fairy Tales
PD128-0455 --- Family
PD128-0016 --- Dogs
PD121-9592 --- Early Reader
--- Fairytale Adaptation
--- Fantasy (Wizard)
--- Fantasy (Wizard ,Blue)
PD136-2704 --- Fantasy (Unicorn) EOL
PD138-0043 --- Emotions
PD138-0055 --- First day of school
PD138-0034 --- Friendship
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Genre Subject Label Group C to F- New Design
PD137-6452 --- Diversity
PD200-1720 --- Easy Reading
PD205-1204 ----Fantasy (wizard-white)
PD138-0032 --- Fantasy (wizard)
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group F to H
--- Fantasy (Red)
PD137-2551 --- Fantasy (Silhouette)
PD128-0310 --- Fiction
PD121-9607 --- Graphic Non Fiction
PD128-1119 --- Graphic Novels (Red)
PD121-9610 --- Graphic Novels , (Yellow)
PD128-0219 --- Folk & Fairy Tale
PD128-0288 --- Historical Fiction
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group F to H- New Design
PD138-0035 --- Games
PD132-0053 --- Graphic Novels (Red)
PD204-4413 --- Graphic Novels , (POW)
PD200-1751 --- Horror (Frankenstein)
PD200-0458 --- Halloween
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group H to J
PD128-0027 --- Holocaust
PD128-0290 --- Horror
PD128-0292 --- Humor
PD128-0461 --- Inspirational
PD128-1162 --- Juvenile
--- Humor (Silhouette)
--- Humor (Red)
--- Inspirational
--- Immigration
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead Time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group H to J-- New Design
PD137-7542 --- Kindness
PD128-1572 --- Library Logo (Blue)
PD137-8736 --- Literary Nonfiction
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead Time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group M to N
PD128-0230 --- Manga
PD128-1183 --- Math (EOL)
PD121-9586 --- Memoirs
PD128-0296 --- Mystery (?)
PD128-5430 --- Mystery (Man)
PD128-0034 --- Mythology (EOL)
PD128-0466 --- Movie/ TV (EOL)
PD128-0032 --- Music
--- Mystery (Silhouette)
--- Mythology
PD128-0313 --- Non Fiction
--- Non Fiction (Modern)
--- Novels in verse
--- Mythology
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
Subject Label Group M to N-- New Design
PD132-0088 --- Mystery
PD137-6459 --- Makerspace
PD200-1766--- Mystery (footprint)
PD132-0068 --- Mystery
PD200-1772--- New Book
PD203-9678--- Non Fiction
PD128-0385-- NEW (removable)
PD128-5262--- New (removable/ white/ red word)
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
New Design Labels
Subject Labels Group P to S
PD128-0297 --- Parenting, (EOL)
PD128-0037 --- Pets (EOL)
PD128-0298 --- Poetry
PD128-0039 --- Religion (EOL)
PD128-0299 --- Romance (Hold hand)
PD128-5440 --- Romance ( heart)
PD121-9583 --- Realistic Fiction
--- Reference (for Teacher Resource)
--- Reference (Yellow, for Library)
PD136-2725 --- Romance (modern)
--- Romance(Silhouette)
PD121-9589 --- Scary
PD138-0061 --- Parenting
PD138-0044 --- School stories
PD138-0037 --- Supernatural
PD138-0054 --- Romantic suspense
PD138-0051 --- Social Emotional Learning
PD138-0050 --- Realistic Fiction
PD138-0047 --- Spooky
PD138-0045 --- Social Issues
PD138-0036 --- Princesses
New Design Labels
PD200-0434 --- Oversize (blue with red word)
PD128-0314 --- Oversize (green/ blue word)
PD128-1573 --- Picture Book
PD200-1783 --- Romance (Rose)
PD200-0194 --- Romance (Hearts)
PD138-0033 --- Relationships
PD200-0441 --- Reference (Red)
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead Time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
New Design Labels
Subject Labels Group S to T
PD128-0041 --- Science (EOL)
--- Science Fiction (purple)
PD128-4730 --- Science Fiction, (Red/white)
PD128-0472---Sci-Fi Fantasy, 500/roll
PD128-0302 --- Sports
PD128-0303 --- Suspense
PD121-9595 --- Supernatural,
--- Science Fiction (Modern)
--- Sci-Fi Fantasy
PD128-1225 --- Space
PD128-1574 --- Teen
PD121-9601 --- Thrillers,
--- Travel (EOL)
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
New Design labels
PD137-7536 --- Super Hero
PD125-5769 ---Science Fiction (spaceship)
PD132-0093--- Sport (red)
PD200-1798 --- Suspense (yellow door)
PD205-1216 --- Sports (balls)
PD200-1792 --- Short Stories
PD200-1786 --- Science Fiction (Rocket)
PD205-1214 --- Series
PD138-0030 --- True Crime
PD137-8857--- Tween
PD205-1217 --- Teen
PD205-6432 --- Urban Fiction
PD137-7540 --- Wordless
PD128-5423 --- Young Adults (YA)
PD200-0450 --- Young Adults (Red)
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls
PD205-1217--- Teen
Subject Labels Group U to Y
PD121-9613 --- Urban fiction
PD121-9616 --- Verse Novel
PD128-0042 --- War
PD128-0043 --- Young Adult (Yellow pink)
--- Young Adult, (Modern)
--- WWII
PD128-0318 --- Young Adult, (Green) (EOL)
EOL= End of life, Label not listed has phase out
MOQ: 5 rolls (mix design allow)
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Permanent adhesive (unless indicate as R for removable)
label in 500/roll
Size 1"Hx3/4"W
Apply this labels on dust jacket cover, book spines, video or CD DVD
Lead time 2 weeks
MOQ=5 rolls