Anti-theft DVD Case
Protect your CD DVD from unauthorized remove CD DVD are keep in durable indestructible case using polyduralene or similar materials construction Need special detacher to remove the CD DVD at check out counter

Anti-Theft DVD Cases
PD153-0929---DVD case clear
PD153-0931---DVD case black
PD153-0932 --- Red Locking Cap
PD137-4064--- Detacher
MOQ: 100/200/300 cases
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Use Detacher to release red locking cap, provides quick, user-friendly checkout
1-disc capacity
Polyduralene™ construction
Cases make it impossible to remove disc from hub without breaking it
Hub securely holds 1 disc
With or without full outer sleeve
Available in Black or Clear
Minimum order Qty=100 (except detacher), Qty discount for cases >200, & >300 cases
Lead time 2 to 3 week
Librarian's Tips:
One simple way to protect your collection from theft

CD DVD Security Cases
PD153-1703---1 Disc CD case Clear
PD121-2519---2 Disc CD case clear
PD204-1032---1 Disc DVD case black
PD204-1033---1 Disc DVD case Black
PD204-1034--- Key Lock
MOQ: 100/200/300 case
Products Information:
1 or 2 disc capacity
Polypropylene construction, very durable with high-impact, resin-molded lock
Colour coded to indicates if cases are lock (Red) or unlock (Green)
Overlapping walls seal the case to prevent tampering
Mount key dock onto counter and has tamper proof benefit denial system
Key dock sold separately (see stock # PD204-1034)
MOQ=100 cases per order, For Larger Qty check the price with us
Lead time 2 weeks
Librarian's Tips:
Maximum protection with fast and easy checkout

CD DVD Security Void Labels
MOQ: 4 rolls
Librarian's Choice
Products Information:
Deter theft and prevent patrons from exchanging a copied disc for the original
Tamper-proof Mylar® polyester
If removed, the hub sticker leaves behind the word “VOID” on disc surface
A more economical method of disc security than other options on the market
Print library name and phone number on label in 1 of 4 color options
Please order a minimum of 4 rolls.
When order, please type or print the name and phone number of your library exactly as you wish it to appear
Lead time 3 week
Please contact Promatech for assistance